Saturday, April 17, 2010

South Beach Diet.... Again

I tried South Beach a few years back, and lost 7 pounds in 5 days.  For the first two weeks of the plan, there is absolutely no sugar and no carb in the diet.  Even though the weight did came off, I had no energy at all without carb.  So I stopped the diet after 5 days.  Now I am desperately to see the number goes down on the scale, and decide to try South Beach diet again.... well, sort of.  I am not super strict about not having any carb.  If I feel low energy, then I cheat by having fruit or a cracker.  And I still eat everything when I dine out, but I'll control the amount of carb that I eat.  The recipes in the South Beach diet book are actually quite good.  This was what I ate for 3 meals in day 1.


Quiche for breakfast.  It was made with egg substitute, spinach, onion, green bell pepper, and mozzarella cheese.  I like this veggie cheese quiche a lot.  For Dr. P, I made veggie egg breakfast burrito for him using the quiche.  He liked it, too.

Chicken Breast on Romaine

Lunch was a simple chicken salad.  I cooked a chicken breast in plain water.  Dressing was 2 tablespoons for low carb red wine vinaigrette.

Grilled Salmon & Asparagus

Dinner was salmon and asparagus.  I seasoned the salmon with olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice, garlic, and thyme.  It was really simple to make, and the wild salmon I bought was so fresh that it just tasted great even without the seasoning.  Asparagus was blanched with salted water.

I like those dishes, and I would cook it even if I'm not on the South Beach diet.  Hopefully my cheated South Beach diet plan will work this time, too!



  1. Eileen, your food looks fit for a restaurant! Especially the salmon. Looks so good! Hopefully your plan will continue to work.

    haha Thanks!

  2. You have motivated me to go on a diet too. I have recently gained weight from crazy food binges. Now I need to lose the 20 pounds I gained and drop back to 100 pounds before summer. I'm going to go on the juice and fruit diet though. It seemed to work for me in the past. Freshly blended fruit juice for breakfast, balanced meal for lunch, and 1 or 2 servings of fruit for dinner. Here's hoping we can stick to our diets!

    Your fruit & juice diet sounds good too.
    Maybe I'll switch it up on some days to do that diet also.
    Let's work hard together!

  3. 不吃澱粉這招感覺是險招, 如果你還打算搭配運動的話, 沒有澱粉很難持續下去的, 所以你不打算太嚴格也好, 均衡很重要, 吃的量控制一下就好, 希望你減肥可以成功啦!!

