16883 Beach Blvd
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 848-4940
Dr. P's family came down to OC to visit Grandma P. Afterward, we decided to take Dr. P's mom, aunt, his brother Henry, and Henry's girlfriend Lucine to try Lotus Chinese Eatery to try some Islamic Chinese food. We had dinner here before, and thought the food was even better than Mas Islamic in Anaheim. Since it was a Chinese restaurant, they asked me to do the ordering. I did my best to order food that I thought people would enjoy. But I guess I didn't do too good of a job because there was complaints on every dish I ordered.
什錦砂鍋 Assorted (Tofu, Chicken, Fish, Shrimp) Warm Pot ($14.95)
We had lamb stew warm pot before and thought it was delicious. But since Mrs. P and Auntie P do not eat lamb, I ordered beef stew warm pot. A few minutes after we ordered, our waitress came back and told us that they were out of beef stew soup that day. She suggested that we change it to the combination warm pot. I asked her what was in the warm pot, she told me combination seafood. Lucine is a vegetarian, but she also eats seafood. So I thought she would be able to have the seafood soup, too. She had a few sips of the soup, then found out there were actually chicken inside the soup. I felt bad. But I really didn't know there were chicken in there. Other than that, I thought the soup was really good. Lots of fish and shrimp in it. I like the Chinese cabbage a lot, too. Mrs. P and Auntie P seemed to enjoy the soup a lot also. They all had multiple bowls of soup.
蒸餃 Steamed Dumpling (8) ($6.95)
Steamed Dumplings had beef filling. It was pretty flavorful, especially when eaten with some black vinegar. But Mrs. P and Auntie P thought Korean style mandu (dumpling) with kimchi cabbage tastes better than the Chinese version with green onion.
芝麻薄餅 Sesame Thin Bread with Green Onion ($7.95)
Finally a dish that everybody liked. Sesame Thin Bread with Green Onion was really tasty. I like the thin bread more than the thicker version. The pieces with lots of green onion inside tasted the best. I like dipping the bread in some hot chili sauce. So good that way.
蔥爆羊肉 Lamb with Green Onion ($10.95)
I know Mrs. P and Auntie P do not eat lamb, but this is Dr. P and my favorite dish at Islamic Chinese restaurant. We went ahead and order it for Dr. P's brother Henry to try. Henry seemed to like it just as much as Dr. P. Mrs. P was actually brave enough to try one bite, but she still didn't like the lamb taste. We asked Auntie P how come she doesn't eat lamb. She told us when she was a kid, she saw a farmer killing a lamb one time. She always remembers the lamb's scream and the look on its face. So she never eat lamb. I think I would be traumatized too if I had to witness something like that.
豆瓣魚片 Fish in Spicy Sauce ($13.95)
Since Lucine doesn't eat meat, I tried to order more seafood and vegetable dishes. Lucine had a piece of Fish in Spicy Sauce, and said the fish tasted too fishy for her. But Dr. P and I thought it was pretty good. The big piece of fish was really soft, and tasted just like the slices of fish you would have in Chinese restaurant. Maybe Lucine just got a bad piece?
鍋鎉豆腐 Tofu Omelet in Brown Sauce ($9.95)
Tofu Omelet in Brown Sauce was suggested by our waitress when I asked her to recommend a good vegetarian dish. She told me it is one of their specialty dishes. It look just ok on the plate, but it tasted really really good. There was a layer of egg on top of soft silky tofu. The brown sauce was really flavorful. I ordered this vegetarian dish for Lucine, but she didn't eat it because she doesn't like soft tofu. Failure again! Oh well, I enjoyed the dish.
清炒芥藍 Sauteed Chinese Broccoli ($7.95)
Another vegetable dish that I thought everyone would like. But Lucine refused to eat it because she's never had Chinese broccoli before, didn't know what it is, and didn't want to try. But again, Dr. P and I enjoyed this vegetable dish.
蝦仁炒刀削麵 Shrimp Hand Cut Lo Mein ($8.95)
We normally ordered the combination hand cut noodle with chicken, beef and shrimp. But for Lucine, I ordered Shrimp Hand Cut Noodle. She didn't eat this one, either, because she doesn't eat carb. But I was really glad Mrs. P and Auntie P loved this dish. Mrs. P normally doesn't eat that much, but she had probably three plateful of this noodle. So happy to see mom-in-law enjoy the food like that. :-)
I felt really bad that Lucine didn't really eat anything. Seemed like I did a pretty bad job ordering seafood and vegetarian dishes. I guess it's not a easy job to order for everyone and make everyone happy. Maybe in the future, we should just ask everyone to pick one dish that they like. In that way, at least you have one dish you know you'll enjoy eating. Dr. P and I still thought everything was really good. We really like this restaurant, and would definitely return again. But I don't want to do the ordering for everyone again....
Since two of my best friends are vegetarians, I know how hard it is to order a meal they can eat, and how frustrating it is when you fail. It seems like Lucine is pickier than most vegetarians though...I kept a mental tally throughout the post and she doesn't eat meat, carbs, soft tofu, wouldn't try the Chinese broccoli, and didn't like the fish. I wonder what she does eat...
ReplyDeleteShe ate some shrimp in the noodle and some sesame bread.
Other than that, she didn't eat anything.
I felt bad, like it was my fault that she left the restaurant hungry. :-(
I think you did a fine job ordering! Everything looked very good. I think Lucine was hard to please, not because she was vegetarian, but because she's picky. Don't take it personally. ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen people tell me "hey you do the ordering. We'll eat anything."
I still ask them if there's anything that they want to eat, or I tell them the dishes I am going to order to see if it's ok.
Then when they say "I'm ok with anything", then I'll go ahead and order it.
But when the food comes, then they don't like it. I think people should be honest and more up front about it.
In that way, neither of us will feel bad about it, right?
我覺得不是你的問題耶! 每道菜看起來都超好吃的啊! 尤其是那道鍋塌豆腐我超愛,蛋香豆腐嫩,超級下飯! 我也好想念刀削麵又Q又入味的口感. 而且你也花了心思點菜,努力把每個人的喜好都考慮了進去, 只是她有太多不吃也不想試的東西了,清真館裡的菜色對她來說不是熟悉的口味,任誰來點菜都是一樣的,就別想太多!看到這一堆照片我都餓了,現在半夜十二點多耶! 也太開胃了吧? 好想現在就衝去huntington beach 吃喔! 我覺得,吃東西的口味跟樂趣很多時候合不合的來真的無法強求,我想要是你這次一起吃飯的是上次那對你先生的外國衝浪朋友,他們一定會超級興奮然後大吃特吃的,所以...應該是對象的問題多一點. XD
但是..... 啊不知道怎麼講,就是覺得用心又被嫌棄感覺真的不太好啦,
Lucine sounds like my brother! (who is never happy with any restaurant that we go to)
ReplyDeleteI think the best way to dine with picky eaters is to ask them to order something they like for themselves.
It's easier that way for everyone, right?
I think you did a great job ordering the dishes, and I don't think you can ever make someone like Lucine happy, she should've just stay at home and ate grass...such a rude person, I have alot of vegetarian friends and they always try to accomodate and pick things that they want to eat when there is a big group and wouldn't complain, and always be polite and even if they didn't like something they wouldn't say it, I think that's just right manner. Eileen you did a excellent job ordering an diversified dinner and tried to take care of everyone, and some people just don't deserve your effort. And I also have korean friends that are very respectful for chinese food and culture, and it looks like these people are not...so I wouldn't try to please them again..
ReplyDeleteOh don't get me wrong. She wasn't rude about it at all.
I was just concerned how come she wasn't eating and asked her, so she told me.
She was actually really nice about it, but I was just bummed and felt guilty.
But I definitely learned from this experience.
Next time I'll just ask everyone to pick a dish they know they will enjoy.
That way everyone at least have one thing they will enjoy eating, right? :-)
You should stop blaming yourself for what happened. Most likely, Lucine wasn't all that fond of the idea of Chinese Muslim food to begin with. It could be the Chinese flavor, or the Muslim part of it. Because you mentioned she was not rude about it, I guess it was her choice to only eat so much, knowing that she would be hungry later. She probably didn't want to object the idea prior to dinner because you're Chinese? Plus, it would make sense how she let you order the dishes because she didn't enjoy the cuisine anyway, so it didn't matter what you ordered. All in all, it's not your fault at all!
ReplyDeleteI understand how it would bother you when the Mother-In-Law appeared to blame you for it, just like how I care so much about every comment that comes from my Father-In-Law. Because you're "family", that's why she probably assumed you'd be okay about it. Next time, make sure Lucine orders a dish. Everyone else can just eat what you order. When my friends and I ordered one dish on our own, everyone's choice ended up being beef and something deep-fried. It's better to order with a balance of nutrients and flavors in mind. Cheer up!
Thank you, Jess!
Yeah I think I care more about what my mother-in-law said.
Next time I'll ask people with food restriction to order something for themselves.
Funny how you and friends all like beef and deep fried stuff. haha...
I don't know what everyone was complaining about? I enjoyed and ate plenty of every dish. I think you did a fantastic job of ordering and my mom, aunt, and brother enjoyed the food far more than it seemed. this is one restaurant we will def'ly return to once your wisdom teeth heal up. great job ordering sweety and don't sweat it.
ReplyDeleteI want lamb stew soup!
I can understand how difficult it is...for all. There are some subtle dietary restrictions that I think we all have, and some of us have more than others. It's not their fault...and most of the times, it's the way their body was created. The person ordering is put in a very difficult position, so it's not her 'fault' either.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who has Crohn's disease, and lactose intolerance. So she can't eat anything containing fiber or dairy in it (so, no vegetables, no grains, no fruits, no milk, no butter, etc). Another friend of ours doesn't eat red meat, or anything that's spicy/exotic ethnic. I don't eat garlic/onion/leeks/scallion, dairy, red meat, soy, and alcohol. So in cooking a meal for all of us...is very challenging! There are so many things I can't eat, so I come to EAT's blog to 'virtual' eat and enjoy my dinners here! But seriously Friends and families stay together and work through this stuff like you guys have! Kudos!
Wow! That's a lot of things your friend cannot eat.
So does he/she just eat lots of meat and seafood? But how does he/she gets the nutrients from food and veggies?
You actually attempt to cook for everyone? That must be a challenge!
I think I learned something from this experience.
Next time we all go out to eat, I'll make sure everyone has something to eat. :-)