601 E Orangethorpe Ave
Anaheim, CA 92801
(714) 446-9553
We had dinner plan with Dr. P's cousin's family last night. They live close to Mas' Islamic Restaurant. We miss the food from there, and Dr. P's cousin, Bruce, also likes Mas' Islamic. Perfect place to meet up for dinner.
蒸餃 Steamed Dumplings (8) ($6.95)
Bruce's family said they always order the same 3 items when they go to Mas' Islamic because their kids like them. Bruce's wife Sarah told me that once they had kids, they started ordering "kids friendly" food. And their own tastes kind of changed... for the kids. Parents will do anything for their kids... that's love! Awww.... One of the items the kids like was Steamed Dumplings. The beef dumpling had lots of meat juice inside. It was tasty.
陳皮雞 Orange Chicken ($10.95)
The kids just loved Orange Chicken. I think every kid likes orange chicken. I, also, like orange chicken. It must mean I am young... in heart? hahahaha....
三鮮炒刀削麵 Three Flavors Dough Sliced Chow Mein ($10.95)
They also always order Three Flavors Dough Sliced Chow Mein, just like we do. However, the noodle dish was disappointing last night. The noodle didn't taste like hand-made, nor dough-sliced. It just tasted like factory made thick noodle. It didn't taste like freshly made. The flavor of the dish was still good, but the noodle made it bad.
蔥油餅 Green Onion Pie ($2.95)
We tried to introduce some dishes we like to Bruce's family. We always use green onion pie like a burrito wrap to wrap the food.
蔥爆羊肉 Lamb with Green Onions ($10.95)
Lamb with Green Onions is always our favorite. I thought the dish was a little saltier than usual. But it was still good. Bruce and Sarah tried the dish for the first time, and liked it, too. The kids were scared to try the lamb though.
干扁四季豆 Dry Sauteed String Beans ($9.95)
Dry Sauteed String Beans were also saltier than usual. Other than that, it was good.
紅燒羊肉粉絲湯 Lamb Stew w/ Bean Noodle Soup ($9.95)
Oopsy. I forgot to take pictures when the food arrived at the table. Lamb Stew w/ Bean Noodle Soup was slightly spicy and very very tasty. Sarah thought it tasted like Korean style soup. It kinda does! Their little boy was brave and tried the soup, and said he liked it!
It was a great dinner with Bruce's family. We had lots of fun chatting. Too bad the noodle wasn't as good as before, and some dishes were a little salty. But we really enjoyed hanging out with Bruce, Sarah, and their adorable kids. :-)
Aw, what's so scary about lamb? I've been eating stuff like that since before I can remember so it just seems silly that they won't try it, but that's just kids being kids I guess. I do however have a soft spot for orange chicken, as do we all, haha.
ReplyDeleteI love lamb, too!
But I think the kids are thinking about the cute little lamb they see in zoos.
Then they didn't want to eat it... :-(
the orange chicken was actually quite tasty! ha ha, the kids food choice is affecting my taste buds as well. :)
ReplyDeleteGood times!
I could taste real orange peel in their orange chicken.
Pretty tasty!
damn that looks good. have u notice u and fred have 夫妻臉 now? hahaha but as long as u guys don't have 夫妻頭 then it's all good
ReplyDeleteWhat? 夫妻臉?Uh..... haha...
By the way, found a really good burger place.
I'll take you next time you come visit me.
我超愛吃羊肉的ㄝ 嘿嘿!!!
Their green onion pies/pancakes are sensational! Best we've had anywhere!
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's really really good!