Friday, January 9, 2009

Add A Avatar

Did you guys notice when some people leave a comment, their picture will show up?  You can also set your picture up by adding it to Gravator.  It's really really simple.

STEP 1:  Go to

STEP 2:  Sign up with you e-mail.

STEP 3:  Upload a picture, any picture you want.

That's it!  You're done!  Easy, yeah?

Please see comment to see my Avatar.  I would love to see yours!


  1. Here is my avatar. It's Kitty smiling. Isn't she cute?

  2. Here is mine~ Looks yummy, huh?

    Yum! Chocolate~~~~

  3. I like the new design.

    Thank you~~~~

  4. New design is very clean and easy on the eye :)

    Let's see if my avatar shows up.....

    Thanks, Syb.
    Awww... cute avatar. Kitty~~~~
    P.S. Check your evite, girl!
