Friday, October 2, 2009

Do You Miss Kitty?

I miss Kitty! I go back to my parents house to visit once a week now. So I only get to see Kitty for a few hours every week.

When I go, I always kidnap her to my room.  But I leave the door open so she can leave if she wants to.  She usually stay with me though.  ^^  I brought a suitcase to take more things back to our apartment.  I opened the suitcase, tried to get some clothes, turned around, and saw Kitty sitting in the suitcase.  haha....

Awww.... she's so cute!  Forget about packing.  Let's take some pictures.

Kitty's sitting funny, with one hand tuck under and one hand sticking out.

I love taking close-up shot of Kitty.  She looks so 有氣質.  How do you say that in English?

I miss Kitty!  Can't wait to see her again next week!


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