Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[Cook] Chinese Herbal Stewed Chicken Soup

I always like Chinese Herbal sort of soup, either with chicken or lamb. Chinese herbal soup has a very unique aroma. It's hard to describe unless you've tried it yourself. Not only it tastes good, it also has a lot of health benefits.

I saw this Chinese Herbal Mix for Stewed Chicken at 99 Ranch Supermarket. All I needed to add was rice wine and chicken to make this soup. Very easy!

The herbal pack included dried date (黑棗), dong quai (當歸), astragalus (黃耆), cinnamon twig (桂枝), gogi berries (枸杞), Szechuan lovage (川芎), and Chinese liquorice (甘草). The instruction on the back of the pack said to cook a cut-up chicken with 3 bottles of rice wine and the herbs. But I made it a little differently.

I used a whole chicken and only 2/3 bottle of rice wine because that was what I had at home. Then I just add enough water to cover the chicken.

I simmered the chicken soup for about 2.5 hours. The aroma smelt sooooo good throughout our house.

I tasted the soup to see how much salt I need to add. Wow! None needed. The soup had a slight sweet taste. I think it was from the gogi berries and dates. No seasoning was needed. It already tasted really good as it was. The chicken was tender, and soup tasted delicious. I felt warm from inside out after drinking this healthy herbal chicken soup. Yum!


  1. 好补啊~哈哈


  2. Hi Eileen! I went to 99 Ranch in San Gabriel today and remembered your post when I was in the dried goods section, so I pulled up your blog on my phone and found which package to get. :D I'm excited to make this! Thanks for the good recommendation and also the translation.

    You're very welcome.
    I hope you'll enjoy the soup as much as we did. :-)
