Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Moving Process....

I probably won't update my blog this week because I am in the process of moving my blog to a new domain name:

And I need help!

I am moving from Godaddy to FatCow as my hosting company.  I received an email from GoDaddy saying that my database file is too big.  I need to reduce the size or they will delete the database on April 10.  I have no clue what database is, not to mention how to reduce the file size.  I did a quick research online, and figured that database pretty much means all the contents and comments on my blog.  The first email I wrote to GoDaddy was to ask them if deleting the database means deleting my blog, and what can I do to reduce the file size.  A customer service representative named Eric G. replied and said
"Please utilize your favorite search engine for assistance in reducing the file size."

After doing what Eric G. told me to do, which is looking for the answer from a search engine, I was still confused.  I don't even know what is the database's limit size on GoDaddy.  So I wrote Erin another email, asking what is the allowable size for database and if I delete this and that would it work.  Eric's reply was
"Please note that we are not programmers either and so specific questions if not found on the internet will need to be brought up with a web administrator or a database administrator. Please also note that we do not provide queries to run that again will need to be obtained online please follow the instructions."

Ironically, his email signed off was "Please let us know if we can be of further assistance."  I did let him know I needed further assistance.  But he told me to look for further assistant somewhere else in his reply.  Since you are not willing to help me, then I guess I am going somewhere else.

I have been doing research and trying for two days on how to move Wordpress to a different server with a different domain name.  So far it have not worked.  :-(

Does anyone have any tips / ideas on how to do so?  Thank you~~~~



  1. What horrible service... you don't have to be a pro at all this web stuff in order to have your own website, so they shouldn't expect *everyone* to know already or just do it yourself without any help.

    I'm a little rusty on moving servers and domain names but I've had to do it a lot (I have to do it soon actually, my current host's server has been down for a MONTH!!!!) so I can kind of point you in the right direction.

    Yeah, you definitely do not want to delete your database - everything will be gone! When you move to the new server you have to install WordPress again, but obviously it won't have any of your old posts. So that's why you want to make sure you *backup* your database on the old server so that when you move to a different server you can *restore* it. I used this guide a lot for help. Maybe it will help you too! http://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress

    Also, since you are changing domain names, you will have to fix that in your database too for your site to work. You can find the tutorial for that under the link I posted above under "change 'site_url' and 'http://www.eileenlikestoeat.com' values"

    Hope this helps! :)

    Thank you sooooo much, Kim!
    I'll spend some time study the material on the website.
    Hopefully it'll work! :-)

  2. Hi, Eileen,
    Kim made some good points. If you have already purchased the hosting agreement from FatCow, you should be able to get some tech support from FC. When I made my move, I looked for a hosting company that would provide 24/7 service because I post blogs at odd hours. Even after you've taken all the necessary steps in completing the move, you still need to be patiently waiting for few days before your blog would "normalize" because it takes google days/weeks (other search engines would take even longer)to reindex the web. So hang in there! And please also keep in mind that there are a lot of helpful people in the online community, so remember to google your questions. My best to your move!

    Thank you so much for the tips, Susan!
    I'll try to work on it on my own for a few days.
    If I run into problem, I'll try to contact FatCow's customer service.
    Hopefully they will be better than GoDaddy.

  3. 真爛啊
    吃到爛鐵板燒 又遇到爛網站
    可惜我也不懂網站這些 沒法幫妳

    good luck!!


    最近讀了一本書Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

  4. Eileen,
    Once you're no longer a client of GoDaddy, GoDaddy will no longer be obliged to help you. But FC, if under agreement/contract (meaning, you have already paid for the hosting service) with you, it would be to FC's interest to help you (so to be able to keep you as a client). Wordpress also has a "guided transfer" service that charges $99, if you're interested in getting some help from them with this move. In technical world, that $99 is really not asking much. If FC is not responsive, you may want to consider Network Solutions. I would strongly recommend contacting FC and/or wordpress soon so you will have more room to play with before April 10. I missed the sense of humor of my Happiness Engineers at Wordpress, but we all have to eventually let go of the apron string in order to grow. Think of this experience as growing pain...you will look back upon this with a smile....and be thankful that there was such a thing as Wordpress to enable all of us to express ourselves. Be well!
    Susan, sunisthefuture.net

    My paid contract with GoDaddy is good till October.
    But they are not helping me at all. I just signed up with FatCow 3 days ago.
    I will contact their tech support, also look into the guided transfer service at Wordpress.
    Thank you sooooo much for the info, Susan! :-)

  5. FYI, when I try to add the RSS of your new site to Google Reader, it keeps adding your old site (eileent.com) instead of eileenlikestoeat.com. It seems I can't tell when you have a new post anymore. :(

    Thank you for letting me know about this problem.
    I fixed it. Please try again and let me know if it's working.
    Thank you~~~~ :-)

  6. Yes, it works now! Thanks, I can now follow my favorite food blog again. :)

    Thank you, jumpcut~~~

  7. Hi Eileen,

    Longtime lurker from mmmyoso.

    I really like your new website format.

    Also, we are fellow dog lovers.

    Congrats, GJ

    Gypsy Jan!!! How are you?
    There are still links that are not working... :-(
    Also I'm trying to create better categories.
    Hopefully everything will be good by the end of the month.

  8. I just read this entry following a post of Evan! It's so shocking and surprising.. A few month's ago, they de-activated a famous blog on the ground of invalid address all of a sudden. GoDaddy! You guys are just getting more and more annoying. I know it's not that easy to transfer website to another host unless your new host agrees to help you. I hope it is all okay now. I'll check back your blog often.

    I hate GoDaddy now. Most horrible customer service.
    They weren't willing to help, so I will never do business with them again.
    I had database problem and the new site wasn't displaying properly.
    I contact Fatcow's tech support thru online chat.
    The tech guy helped me right away and solved the problem for me.
    The new site is up and running right before GoDaddy deleted everything on my hosting server on 4/10.
    Yup, they just deleted everything.
    They advertise to offer "unlimited" database, but then told me the unlimited amount was limited to 1GB each file.
    I'm not a computer whiz. I didn't even know what database was before this.
    So I don't know how to change a large database file into smaller files.
    If it's unlimited with a limit, I think that's false advertisement.
