Monday, August 11, 2008

[Rosemead] [Chinese] 吉嶸川菜 Ji Rong Restaurant

Ji Rong Restaurant

8450 Valley Blvd., #114
Rosemead, CA 91770
(626) 280-8600

阿姨和表弟從San Jose帶著從台灣來的表妹到我們家玩,中午全家一起去吃吉嶸川菜,周末的中午也一樣有特價午餐,周一到周五還有買三菜送一菜呢!這天點的菜都很好吃,大家都對這家餐廳很滿意喔!

My aunt and cousin came to visit from San Jose, along with a cousin from Taiwan.  Every time relatives come for a visit, it means "feast time" for us.  I wish we have relatives coming everyday.  Haha!

My aunt picked Ji Rong for a Saturday lunch.  We had family dinner here before and my aunt really likes their food.  We were surprised that they offer lunch special even on the weekend.  On Monday through Friday, they even have a buy 3 get 1 free deal on top of the already cheap lunch special.  What a bargain!

酸辣湯 Hot and Sour Soup

Everybody got a free bowl of soup.  The choices were hot and sour soup and egg flower soup.  I didn't have the hot and sour soup.  Cousin said it was pretty spicy.

蛋花湯 Egg Flower Soup

I had the egg flower soup.  It had chopped tofu and shrimp in it.  Shrimp!  Yes, shrimp in the free soup. 

蔥爆羊肉 Lamb w/ Green Onion ($5.98)

The lamb was alright.  Not as tender as I like it.  Not as flavorful as I like it.  But it was still good with rice.

核桃脆皮蝦 Walnut w/ Crispy Shrimp ($5.98)

I haven't met anyone who does not like walnut shrimp.  The shrimp was huge here.  It had a crispy crust and yummy mayo.  Really like this dish.

紅燒豆腐 Tofu w/ Brown Sauce ($3.98)

Tofu with brown sauce was pretty standard.  Good, but nothing special.

木耳白菜 Fungus w/ Chinese Cabbage ($3.98)

I like black ear mushroom, or as how they called it here, Fungus.  It's also very good for your health.  Good veggie dish.

蔥油魚片 Fish Fillet w/ Green Onion ($5.98)

I like the sauce for the fish fillet.  There was bean sprout on the bottom of the dish.  It was really good mixed with the sauce.

牛肉捲餅 Sliced Beef Pancakes ($6.98)

Sliced Beef Panckaes wasn't on the lunch special menu.  Thin sliced beef mixed with sweet bean paste and cilantro wrapped in Chinese pancake.  Everyone liked this dish.  It was gone in minutes.

水煮兩樣 (牛、魚片) Szechwan Special Beef & Fish Fillet ($9.98)

This dish wasn't on the lunch special menu, either.  I've had this dish in so many different restaurants because it's Dr. Park's favorite.  He has to order it everytime he sees it on a menu.  The dish at Ji Rong tasted different than the ones that I was used to in Szechwan restaurant.  It wasn't as spicy and didn't have too much "soup" (or the spicy oil sauce).  It was different, but also very good.

清炒蘆筍 Sauteed Asparagus

Sauteed Asparagus wasn't on the menu at all.  It was the special  vegetable of the day that the waitress informed us.  The pencil thin asparagus was fresh and crisp.

重慶口水雞 Chung King Style Chicken ($3.98)

Chung King Style Chicken  was a simple steamed chicken with spicy chili oil.  Chicken was tender.

地三鮮 Fried Potato, Green Pepper & Eggplant ($4.98)

This was everyone's favorite dish of the day.  The potato and eggplants were so good. 

上海小籠包 Steamed Pork Buns ($4.98)

Aunt and cousin from San Jose were so happy when they had the steamed pork buns.  They said the buns up north are much much more expensive and not as good as the ones in LA.

The portion for lunch special was smaller than dinner, but the price is also much cheaper.  There were 7 of us and we had plenty of leftover to take  Aunt and cousins were really happy with lunch, and so was my family.  We will go back again to try their lunch special on a weekday for the buy 3 get 1 free deal.



  1. 挖~今天看到你po好多新食記,你一定要繼續下去喔^^

  2. 看起來妳ㄉ心情已經OK囉 ^^
    每次看到妳版上的美食我ㄉ心情也都會很好唷 ^Q^
    我也超愛核桃蝦 但我都是去"稻香"吃的
    稻香的核桃好像比較多 但相對的 價格也比較貴啦!
    每次去核桃蝦 跟貴妃雞是必點 :P
    還要喝檸檬紅茶N杯 要離開還要要裝到滿再帶走 噗噗~

  3. 每次找女友去吃飯都會經過這..但都沒有進去..

    對了、Zen Buffet有變好吃的跡象、我是週日中午去的、我吃的非常的滿意說!

  4. 哈囉Eileen~
    之前都是在private MSN space和朋友分享

  5. 好餓阿~~lunch time~~

  6. I tried it here too, but I think their dishes are too grease~
