Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Hate John

今天這篇純粹是抱怨文,我們公司那位韓國大叔John,Potluck派對那天說他忘記帶菜,但是卻記得帶了盤子和筷子來大吃大喝,大家出錢幫經理買的禮物是自願的,算好人數和金額後同事就去買了,大叔說要貢獻$10卻遲遲不肯交,因為我是派對負責人,和大叔討錢時他居然和我吵起來,當我開始數落他potluck也沒帶菜還吃最多時,他居然睜眼說瞎話的說辦公室裡沒人告訴他那天有potluck party,明明前一天我還特別提醒他,他自己還說要帶雞翅,還和別的同事討論了一番,這個謊言讓所有同事一整個傻眼,唉!世界上怎麼有這樣厚臉皮不知羞恥的人啊?

WARNING: This is a long complaining post.  I just need to vent!

I wrote about my co-worker John Park and complaining about how selfish and inconsiderate he is.  But this time he pushed me over the limit.  I was so angry at him that we had a yelling match at work.

John Park is a 50 something old divorced Korean guy.  Everybody at work already knows that he is selfish and obnoxious.  We had a few confrontations before.  But this time was the worst of them all.

As I mentioned in the last post, we had a potluck party at work for our manager.  Everybody was supposed to bring a dish.  We had a sign up sheet for people to write down the dishes they were going to bring so we wouldn't have people brining the same dish.  On the same sheet, we also asked people to write down if they were willing to contribute $10 to get a wedding gift.

I was in charge of the party.  So the night before, I went around the office to remind everyone and to confirm the dishes people were bringing.  John Park wrote on the sheet that he would bring salad.  But Mayumi was also bringing salad.  I told both of them to talk to each other and one of them need to change the dish.  So John Park announced that he would change his dish to chicken wings.  He even had a discussion with a few other coworkers about where to get the chicken wings.  At last he said he would go buy the wings from KFC.  I also told everyone to bring their own plate and utensil since I am big on the "Go Green" thing lately.

On the day of the potluck party, John Park didn't bring anything.  When I asked him where was his dish, he just replied "I forgot".  Another coworker asked him how come he didn't bring anything, he changed his answer to "I was busy.  I didn't have time."  Ok, whatever.  Let's just assume that he forgot to bring the dish.  But the funny thing was, he still remembered to bring a big plate and fork.

I was not happy.  I was even thinking about telling him not to join the party.  But I didn't really need to think long.  Before I could say anything, he already ran to the food and started grabbing stuffs to his plate.  So not only he didn't bring food, he went back numerous times and ate the most.

Fine.  It was a party.  I didn't want to ruin it.  So I held it in and didn't say anything.  So we just complained about him secretly. 

Next day at work, I checked the list and noticed that John Park did not pay the $10 that he said he would pay.  But Claire already bought the gift counting his part in.  Again, since I was in charge of everything, I need to get the money for Claire.  Otherwise it wasn't fair for her to spend the extra money.

(I went to John Park's desk and asked him quietly.)
Me:  John, did you pay the $10?
John:  No.
Me:  You need to pay Claire because she already bought the gift with the total amount.
John:  Then tell Claire to come and talk to me. (Raising his voice.)
Me:  I am in charge so I am collecting the money for Claire.
John:  Don't talk to me.  If Claire wants the money, tell her to come talk to me.  (Talk even louder.)
Me:  I won't talk to you if you just pay the money.
John:  Shut up and go sit down.  (Really loud now.)
Me:  Why can't you just do things like you are supposed to?  Not only you're not paying, you didn't even bring food yesterday for the potluck party but ate the most?
(Now this was the answer that surprised me the most.)
(OMG!  I totally lost it at that point.  So I started yelling at him, too.)
Me:  What?  I reminded you the night before.  You told the whole office you are going to bring chicken wings.  You even signed up on this sheet yourself.  How can you even say that nobody told you about it and you didn't know anything????
John:  What's your problem?  I was probably tired and didn't hear you.  Shut up and go sit down.

At this point, our manager stood up and asked what was going on.  John Park ran over to the manager with $10 in his hand and said that he was going to pay, but the way I talk to him was not respectable.  "Did you pay $10?  You need to pay Claire."  What part in these two sentences was not respectable?  He was the one who started yelling at me and tried to cause a scene.  So both the manager and Claire just told him, "If you're unwilling to pay, we don't need your $10 and we don't want it."  I was so mad but really thought there was no point talking to this person.  I just said "Next time we have a potluck party, you are not invited."

Since I'm complaining about John Park, here's another incident that just happened two days ago.  Kai was talking about how expensive it is to have kids.

Kai:  I spend so much money on my kids.  Lots of things need to buy.  Books, clothes, even socks all cost money.
John:  Just go to 99 cent store to buy socks.  You can get 10 socks for 99 cents.
Kai:  No.  I want to buy my kids nice stuffs.  Not cheap socks like that.
John:  Kids don't need good shit.
Kai:  That's why you don't have any kid.
(Apparently, John got offended by this comment and started yelling.)
John:  Don't talk about your stupid ass kids then.
Kai:  Please don't call my kids stupid ass.  That is not nice.
John:  (Yelling big time now.)  What you said was really rude.  So shut up, you fucking bitch!
(Kai walked out the office.)
John:  (continued yelling.)  Fucking bitch.  #$%^#*$(@&$%^ bitch.

At that point, I really wanted to stand up and told him not to use that kind of language in the office.  But at the same time, I was telling myself not to get into other people business.  Too bad it was on a Sunday so our manager wasn't in the office to hear this.  Then when I thought I really should say something, the "golden moment" already passed.  So later I just told Kai that she has to report this to our manager on Monday.

She did report to the manager.  The manager had a talk with John Park.  But that was it because Kai didn't want to report the incident to HR.  So I was thinking, I really wish John Park had call me name like that when we had our fight.  Then I would report it to manager, HR, boss, and the whole company.  I want him to be fired!

How can people like that exist?  Selfish, cheap, no shame, and have no respect for women?  Oh yeah, he only talks to women this way.  When he talks to guys, he's totally different.  I hate him so much and I don't usually hate people.  I want nothing to do with him and hope he will get fired soon.

Phewwww....  Complaining is soothing.  Thanks for reading.  Hopefully I won't have to write a long complaining post like this ever again.



  1. wow, that's one intensive post...
    but it's always good to get it out of your system...
    Just pretend he is invisible, getting yourself all fired up for someone whom is not even worthy to care about is just wasting your time and probably kills many of your brain cells...
    Women should always be happy, that is the secret beauty tip..haha

    That's what I've been trying to do now.
    Just ignore him. It's not worth it to get myself all mad for some stupid jerk.

  2. 好怪的人 更糟的是他還姓Park

  3. How in the world is he still employeed at your company? I am so sorry that you have to work with someone like that.

    I have no idea why he's here.
    One time he answered a customer's call and just said, "what do you want?" in a really rude way.
    Our manager's never here at night time to see what's really going on.

  4. This guy totally crossed the line, you should report him to the HR and get him fired instantly. He obviously is creating a hostile working environment for everyone. I'm sure your manager knows what's going on, but without you guys giving her anything concrete, she can't do much for you guys.

    My manager asked Kai if she wants to file a report with HR.
    But she didn't want to.... So manager said she can't do anything.
    I wish I was the one involved....

  5. 這個人..太太太太太誇張了吧. 希望他趕快被fire掉.

  6. 一般韓國男人給人的印象好像比較大男人主義
    不知是不是這樣所以他跟女生說話, 比較不尊重...
    如果我被同事這樣罵的話,我想我也一定會小事化大。。 哈哈哈。。

    以前我們有個 temp agency 送來的同事
    最誇張的是,某個同事是帶 teriyaki chicken w/ rice
    那個人就被 fired 了。。

  7. 看到標題點進來之前

  8. 我先生公司有個老同事討厭程度跟park一樣


  9. 真沒水準!買一個voice activated的錄音機,把他那沒水準的話錄下來做證據。

  10. Like #6 mentioned, it has to do with 大男人主義. There are Koreans from the older generation who are used to the "Class system". Basically if you're a younger generation, you used a different set of words to address the more senior. Even between same generation, there are rankings. Female of the house also tended to be more subservient. You can still some some of these traits from Korean TV dramas. At least this was very prevalent twenty years when I lived there. And actually this system was passed down from Chinese society (think emperor and his subjects and 敬老尊賢) but we've mostly abandoned them. (Wait, maybe the Chinese got it from Korea.. ;)

    Since he probably has all these cultural upbringing with him, he probably looks at you like a young kid, and a girl at that. He is not used to someone like you talking without the "class system" respectful-ness. I know he's expecting something like "Hi, Mr. Park son-sang (先生; senior) would you please give $10 to claire when you have a chance?", then he'll be happy. I know you probably won't, and shouldn't, but that's how you can deal with someone like that. But since this is the USA, forget that. :)

    I'll never talk to him with any respect after what happened.
    No wonder he has no wife no kids no family.
    He has no respect for woman.
    When he talks to Asian guys in my office, he has this "I'm older" attitude and is usually pretty rude.
    But when he talks to the European people, he's polite and timid.

  11. I would report it to the HR nonetheless....

    what a jerk...

    I hate him with passion....

  12. .....真是一樣米養百樣人喔....要是換做我是Eileen、大概會打起來吧..我EQ比較低..

  13. 討厭的韓國人! 真的很沒水準耶!! 我肯定在他盤子裡吐口水~
    針灸是中國人的 端午節也是我們的 中文也是 王健民視台南人 不是韓國人後裔! 吃大x啦(sorry)!! 氣死人了!!

  14. I would report to HR. Work should provide a comfortable environment and those languages should never be used in the office.

    If he did that to me, I'll report to manager, HR, even the boss.
    I'll make sure that he gets fired.
    But I wasn't the one involved, so couldn't really do anything.
    Kai told the manager she didn't want to report to HR.
    So nothing we could do.... @_@

  15. What a jerk off. Sorry that you have to work with someone like that. The fact that a lot of jobs sucks, the best part of the jobs is usually the people you work with, can't believe you got stuck with a dick like that....

    I just don't understand how can he be so old and still act that way.
    In Chinese culture, we were taught to respect older people.
    But I just can't do that with this jerk.

  16. 看標題也是跟樓上反應一樣...
    是不是跟公園先生吵架啦 :p


    他乾脆跟那日本太太在一起算了 :p
    (p.s. 怎麼好久沒日本太太的故事了 XD)

  17. 我跟9樓的想的一樣,把他亂罵髒話的部分錄下來 放出來給上司聽 .

  18. You need to report EVERY single incident from now on to HR. It's unbelievable to me that anyone can use such language in a professional environment and get away with it. Clearly he is a bully. I know you say you don't want to get involved but the way he treats you and others is UNACCEPTABLE. Make sure you and all of your coworkers keep consistently filing complaints to HR- management needs paperwork in order to justify terminating an employee so turning the other cheek does no good.

    Good luck, and remember to be proactive. Keep your complaints to HR simple and to the point- don't go into too much detail except when asked and don't let your emotions take over. Once you and your coworkers do this repeatedly, you will see results.

    We reported him. And he is no longer working with us. What a relief!
