Friday, December 4, 2009

Wonton Soup

My first attempt to make Wonton Soup ever!  It was actually a lot easier than I imagined.

餛飩湯 Wonton Soup

For the wonton filling, I used half pork and half shrimp.  I added some salt, pepper, sesame oil, cornstarch, rice wine, and water to the mixture.  For the soup, I used chicken stock, and added soy sauce, salt, pepper, and sesame oil.  I also added shitake mushroom, carrot, and snow peas to the soup.  A big difference of wonton at versus wonton in a restaurant is that my version of wonton is huge!  Call me greedy but I like to add a lot of filling in my wontons.  haha....

Dr. P loved the wonton soup.  He had like 15 wontons for dinner!  My first wonton soup, success!


  1. hey! looks good!

    OMG but it just could not compare to your wonton!
    Your wonton if by far the best wonton we've ever had!!!!

  2. Try adding some cabbage (for texture), a little scallion, and some oyster sauce next time. Oyster sauce is my mom's secret ingredient in her won ton soup. Good luck!

    Thanks for the tip. I never cook with oyster sauce before.
    I'm gonna buy a bottle and experiment with it. ^^

  3. yumyum~~!!! and u can also use corn and beef or corn and pork ar..

    I've never had corn in wontons before.
    But I love corn and that sounds good.
