Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Raccoon Attack

My dad has been growing vegetables and fruits in our backyard. But lately our garden was attacked by some kind of animal. They dig up everything underground and destroyed all the plants. My dad set up a trap with a basket and a wooden stick. This was what we found in the morning....

IMG_5099 by you.

The suspect was a raccoon!  He is so cute.  But we know raccoon bite and they carry a lot of diseases.  So I didn't dare to touch him.  He looked so sad and scared in the little basket.  We called animal control and asked them what we should do with the racoon.  They sent someone to our house to pick him up.  They said this one is just a baby, which means there is a raccoon family here.  I don't know what they'll do to the baby raccoon.  I know it's sad to know that there's possibility that they might euthanize him.  But obviously we won't be able to keep him. 

IMG_5112 by you.

Since we're talking about my dad's garden, this was one of his proud produce.  Beautiful string melon.  It looks good, tastes even better!

IMG_4811 by you.

More about animal.  My professor brings her dogs to school everyday.  Sometimes they come to class with her.  So adorable.  But sadly the black one was put to sleep this past weekend because of autoimmune system problem.  The dog is really old though.  My professor said that she believes in animal's welfare.  When animals are sick, of course we will do everything we can to help the animals get better.  But sometimes there really isn't much to do.  Then we have to consider the animals welfare.  After all, we love them, so we don't want them to suffer, right?  It reminded me of Strawberry.  It was a hard decision.  But I know she didn't suffer any longer than needed.  It's sad, but it's better for the animals in a way.  >_<

Anyway, 6 weeks of school already.  It's a little stressful to keep up with 6 classes and a full time job.  But I'm loving every minute of it.



  1. 那個絲瓜太漂亮了啦.矮令爸可以擺出來賣了.

  2. 妳忙成這樣,一個月爬一次山的goal就更不用想了.
    又...10/18我們確定要去kayaking.要來嗎? (Sunset Beach).

  3. Awww the racoon is soooo cute! I hope it didn't get euthanized. @_@ eep!

    I agree that the animal's welfare is more important, but it's always so sad. =*( I love all animals and I believe in their right to being happy and well loved.

    Also the string melons look wonderful! You must have an awesome garden! ^_^

  4. Wow, your dad really has a green thumb.
