950 S Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90006
(213) 388-3042
It was Dr. P's mom's birthday, and Dr. P was thinking about taking Mrs. P out for a nice dinner. I immediately thought of Yongsusan. Dr. P and I went there about two years ago. We really enjoyed the food at this high-end Korean restaurant. Dr. P thought it was a great idea. Last night we went with Mrs. P, Dr. P's brother and his girlfriend to Yongsusan for a birthday dinner.
Soft Creamy Porridge
Last time Dr. P and I ordered the $45.99 Royal court Table D’Hote (The price has gone up to $48.99 now). It was way too much food. This time we ordered the Special Table D'Hote for $39.99/person. The dinner set has 16 courses! The meal started with soft creamy porridge. I think this was either made with pumpkin or squash. The creamy porridge was made with sticky rice, and it tasted like slightly sweet warm sticky mochi soup. I like it!