Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Evil Tracy at Work

* This is a venting post. *

Generally, I believe the goodness of people. Even people I don't like, I still won't think them as evil. But today at work, I found evil.

There was an incident between co-worker Tracy and I a few weeks ago. She made some mistakes on a customer's call and the customer called back angrily. I got the angry phone call and didn't really know what happened. I put the customer on hold while asking Tracy what had she done. She pretty much did everything wrong, even spelled the customer's name wrong. So I told her right there that she made a mistake. Instead of just admitting her mistakes, she went to our team lead and said that I embarassed her in front of other co-workers.

When our team lead told me about her complaint, I really didn't think I did anything wrong. I had to ask her about the previous call in the office because the customer was waiting on the phone. If she didn't make mistakes, why would she be embarassed? But this was nothing personal, it was just about work. I tried to be more considerate in her position. I guess for some people "face" is very important. To avoid tension in the office, I tried to be a bigger person and wrote her an apology note for "embarassing her in front of other people" according to her. She then told me that everything's cool between us and asked me not to tell he manager about the incident.  But I still told our manager the incident because I just think she should know about it.  I'm really glad I did that.

So issue was solved.  She stoped talking to me but that was fine.  I thought things were ok.... so I thought.  Until today....

Tracy brought some sesame balls to the office.  She announced, "I got sesame balls for everyone.  Everybody gets one."  She walked around the office with her tray of sesame balls and went to each person, but walked right by me.  Innocent me still thought it was a honest mistake and jokingly said (with a big smile too), "Tracy, I didn't get one.  Are you avoiding me?"  She answered, "Yes, of course, I am avoiding you."  Then everybody laughed.  Me again still thinking she was joking and asked, "Why?"  She yelled back, "If you treat me like everybody else, I'll treat you the same."  Huh?  What was she talking about?  I exchanged a look with our manager.  She was signaling me not to say anything back.  Well, not to embarass her again in front of other people since she is sensitive about that, I asked the manager if we could talk to Tracy outside about this.  Because I honestly did not know what was she talking about.  So manager, team lead, tracy and I stepped out to the parking lot.

We were still at the office door, Tracy started yelling and screaming.  She yelled the whole way to the parking lot.  I guess she was really angry and couldn't put her words together right.  Well, she kinda doesn't speak good English.  So we had no idea what was she talking about for a few minutes.  She was waving her arms, pointing her finger at my face, yelling, screaming, and I had no idea what she was saying.  Somehow I wasn't even mad, but thought it was quite amusing.

The manager had to ask her to calm down.  Well, so she was still angry about the first incident.  She was still saying how I embarassed her and made her lose face in front of other coworkers.  But didn't I already give her an apology note and we even had a talk after that.  So when the manager said, "I thought that issude was already solved and Eileen already apologize to you."  Her answer was, "You embarassed me in front of everyone.  You should apologize to me in front of everyone."  So she's holding a grudge because I didn't make a public apology?  Maybe I should post an ad in the newspaper, too?  Her reason of still being mad was so silly that I couldn't help but just laughed about it.  But this was only the first part.

Now come the evil part.  She started making up stories that never happened.  I don't even want to get into the details of that because all the things she said didn't even happen.  After her nonstop yelling and screaming, I simply said, "that's not true.  Never happened."  Her answer was "yeah, you're so innocent, huh?  Just pretend you're so innocent, huh?"  Well, I guess I was innocent, wasn't pretending though.  So the manager asked the team lead, "Did this happen yesterday?"  Team lead just answered, "uh.... no." 

So that one didn't work.  Then she started saying how everyone in the office hates me.  She was giving names of people who supposedly hate me.  Well, she named almost everyone in the office except two people.  According to Tracy, those two people are my "fans".  Again, I thought that was funny.  Well, I don't really have any problem with all those people she was naming.  There are only two people I do not like in the office, and I just avoid them.  So I'm not even gonna believe her.  I think she was just trying to play her dirty trick to create tension between me and all other coworkers.  Well, maybe I should go ask all those people individually about it?  I mean, if there's problem, I would like to solve it.  If there wasn't, I would like to let them know that what Tracy said about them.

Then she started talking food.  She said it was her food.  She could give it to anyone she wants.  True.  Do I even give a shit about her sesame balls?  Hell no.  If she didn't announce it to the entire office and I wouldn't even say anything.  Well, her reasoning was, again, funny.  She said, "You brought noodle yesterday.  Did you give me your noodle?  You didn't give me your food.  Why should I give you my food?"  I answered, "Uh....  I didn't bring noodle yesterday.  But I bought rice for dinner.  So you are mad at me for not sharing my dinner wih you?"  Her replied was "You're barking up the wrong tree."  Huh?  Yeah, it was funny.  She just learned this phrase a few weeks ago in the office.  She must feel really happy that she finally got a chance to use the phrase.

At the end, the manager just said that we are just here to work and do our job.  You don't have to like each other.  But don't create problem in the office.  If you don't like someone, just don't talk to them.  Sit at your desk and just do your job.  Yes, I agree 100%. 

So we went back to the office.  Then she did more evil things.  She went to the manager and complained about how I didn't do this right, didn't do that properly and all those little petty things.  After the manager left the office, she started making sarcastic comments here and there.  It was really immature and childish.  I didn't even respond to her at all.  I think that made her more angry.  And it just made the whole thing more funny.

Tracy is in a fight with me, but I am not really in the fight.  I am just an audience watching her fighting with herself.  She kept on thinking up little evil things to say or to do.  I actually feel sorry for her.  She probably thinks that by yelling louder she is at the upper hand.  But she just made a complete fool out of herself today.  All those comments and strange behavior in the office, just made people think how ridiculous she is.

Ahhhhh.... drama drama drama.  Tracy is like 40 years old, but still act like a high school girl.  How am I going to deal with this evil person?  Well, I'm not gonna do anything.  I am going to be a bigger person and not to care about those stupid things that she's doing.  Before I had nothing against her.  But after finding out how evil she is today, I just know I don't want to have anything to do with this person.  If she continues her act, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show.

So glad I have this blog to vent.  Every time after writing, I feel much better.  Thanks for reading, guys.



  1. 有這樣的同事真辛苦, 像條瘋狗一樣. Eileen處理的很好, 不要理她就好了, 讓她跟她自己鬥. 我也覺得她很可憐, 她的生活一定很貧乏, 所以這樣一點小事才可以讓她"玩"好久.

  2. If you are a big person, you wouldn't post this story on your blog. I think you are such a narrow-minded person, you have complained so many people in your office - Koren John, Japanese lady, Mexican Guy and now this Chinese lady. Please stop doing that, otherwise, I am going report your bitching blog to your company's HR.

  3. Wow I remember you talked about another bad coworker before and now there's another one? Poor you.. I'm lucky that I've never had coworkers like that..

  4. why you always complain your co-workers, even call them evil, do you have problems??

  5. i read your blog, but i think it's just a small issue, you make it big... think about it, do something reasonable.

  6. 可憐的Eileen

  7. You should introduce Tracy to the other co-worker, the old Korean guy.. They sound like a perfect couple.

  8. I had a similar coworker who only pick on me for no reason, simply just hate me and created lots of problem just b/c his childish and immature mind.

    I think they don't have a life or they just can't get over some little thing. Just feel sorry for them but don't feel bad for stupid people massing up your day.

  9. 四十歲還這樣


  10. be sure to follow up with any aftermath~~~

  11. i know how crazy or immature co-worker can be.
    just ignore her, eventually she will did something else wrong and people will know how stupid she is.

  12. Wow...such an immature person.

  13. Wow, you have some interesting co-workers. Maybe I should be grateful that my co workers pretty much keep to themselves...

  14. 一樣米養百樣人..真是莫名其妙的瘋子...

  15. 你好衰 老是遇到怪人
    不過你可以忍住不跟他對罵 真是太厲害了!

  16. 以前看日劇的時候, 看到這一句台詞


  17. hahahaha. i'm looking through your blog because i love all of your reviews with all the great pictures!!

    i just wanted to leave this comment because I dont understand why people leaving comments are sooo negative about what you write in your blog (even saying they will report you to the HR dept). that is soooo strange, it is YOUR blog you can put anything you want in it! that's the beauty of it.

    well i guess you dont have to work with all these people anymore :)

    keep up the great blogging :D

    Thank you, Kristen! ^^
    I know, right? That's how I feel. This is my PERSONAL blog. I should be able to write about any topic I like.
    Those comments were left by Tracy and her husband. She did reported me to HR.
    We got called into the HR office. But the HR manager pretty much said I didn't violate any company rule.
    I didn't mention the name of the company. I didn't mention her full name. I didn't call her names. I just wrote about things that happened.
    I'm really glad I didn't have to work with her anymore.
    By the way, she is the same woman in my other post about "beware of eating in Chinese restaurant".
    She is just not a nice person.

  18. I have to say I was shocked to see that person wanting to report you to the HR, I mean, who would do that lol? but yeah, the thought of that person might be Tracy came up in my mind!! that was funny, b/c then I read she IS Tracy~ I guess she's obsessed with you after all lol~ but yeah, it's your blog, write whatever you want. I think it's so much better than going around the office and create dramas instead of working hard !

    Do you know Tracy?

  19. interesting drama ! it happened to where i work. jt ignore her. the more u ignore her the more she would getting pissed off. appearantly they even admire your blog by reporting you to HR LOL !!! feel free writing anything dear, it is your blog anyway duhhh!! these ppl are pretty funny on making comments.

    Yup, that was what I did.
    I just ignored her. I feel the same way.
    It's my personal blog so I should be able to write anything I want.
