Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted!

I voted!  It was a historical day in America.  Either we will have the first black president, or we will have the oldest president & first female vice president in history.  It was also a historical day for me because it was the first time I voted.  I never voted before because I just simply didn't care.  But this time I actually do care.  I guess as you get older, you start caring about stuffs like this more.

For presidential candidates, I voted for Obama.  We need change in America.  I actually liked both Obama and McCain in the beginning.  But McCain made a really bad choice on his vice president candidate.  I also didn't like how he always attacked Obama instead of just talking about the issue.  It's true that Obama doesn't have as much experience.  But I believe he will do a good job making some changes in this country.

Another big issue in California is Prop 8. Prop 8 titled Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. I voted NO. This proposition is about human rights in my opinion. You don't have to agree with same sex marriage, but you can't take away people's rights just because they are different. That is discrimination. Why can't homosexuals have the same right to get married as heterosexuals? This discrimination is just the same as discrimination for people's colors. Remember back in the days when the law made blacks to sit on the back of the bus? Or how they couldn't go into restaurants? Remember how women didn't have any rights simply becuase of their gender? And the law actually is going to ban some people's right to get married because their sexuality? Because they are different? I feel pretty strongly about this issue. And I firmly believe that in the eyes of the law, everybody should be equal.

Since I am studying Veterinary in school, Prop 2 had been a big debate topic in our classes. Prop 2 proposed the Standards for Confining Farm Animals initiative statute. The proposition would prohibit the confinement of certain farm animals in a manner that does not allow them to turn around freely, lie down, stand up, and fully extend their limbs. The measure would deal with three types of confinement: veal crates, battery cages, and sow gestation crates. Most people think that keep animals in confinement is cruelty. I would think so too if I never took my animal classes. But from what I learned in class, that is just the way farms keep the animals healthy and staying alive. For example, they put pregnanat pigs in the crates when they give birth to avoid them laying down on top of their piglets and kill them. Farmers don't always keep the pregnant sow in the crate, only when they are giving birth. And for the laying chicken, their job is simply to lay eggs. They don't really need to run around too much. If you let the animals run around, not only they will fight and kill each other, they would also have much higher chances of getting disease and die. If Prop 2 passes, prices of eggs and meat will go way up. The California farmers will not be able to survive. Either we will be paying higher prices for eggs and meats imported from other States (which are produced under the same environment), or all the California farmer will move out of the State. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you should know I am a big animal lover. And I am all pro animal rights. But seriously, Prop 2 is just unneccessary and it doesn't really help or save the animals.

So those are my personal opinions. I choose to write about it after the voting day because I actually don't want to "tell" people what to vote. If your opinion is different than mine, that's perfectly fine. Everybody can have different views, right? Please feel free to share your views with me. But no calling names or bad mouthing just because we have different opinions, yeah? ^^



  1. I voted same as you, also on the 2 props you mentioned. I am very passionate about prop 8, you took the words out of my mouth. It isn't about religious or your personal view on homosexual, it is about basic human rights. I can't believe how narrow minded people get on this one. They can't get past seeing it isn't about gay, it is about discrimination. And the fact this one is actually one the ballot saddens me.

  2. For prop 8, I didn't really do any analysis to see what impact it'll bring to society. It can be good, it can be bad. But one thing I'd like to point out is that the people who object same-sex marriage never really speak publicly about what their deepest belief is on this issue:

    "Homosexual is bad and wrong."

    If they don't hold this belief, they won't need to worry that the school may teach their kids same-sex marriage. I personally would like my kids to be heterosexual also. However, if they happen to like be homosexual, it's okay with me as long as they're happy and do no harm to other people.

    Yeah I guess the reason they never tell the homosexuals that "we think your sexual orientation is bad and wrong" is that they worry about being accused of discriminating gay people. Too bad that No-on-prop-8 ads didn't point this out.

  3. Props for you! Now we have our first African American president in US history. It truly is a historic moment!

    Ahh~ I was too lazy to go change my address so I never received my ballot. I didn't feel too strongly about either candidates also. So I gave up my rights to vote this year. But I'm happy Obama won. We need a new leadership in this country and we shouldn't let this stupid war continue.

    I agree with you on Prop 8 also. Everyone should have their rights to marriage.

  4. if I were single with no kids i would definitely voted prop 8 NO. But since I got 2 little ones now. it is kinda frighten to think about they will teach my little one about homosexual sex education. Can you imageine teach use a condom wrap around a banana.. and.... OMG!!! NOT for my little boy to find out that he can marry to TOM.

    So i voted Yes on Prop. Sorry.

  5. I voted YES on Prop. 8 too, I'm glad it passed.
    I think it stop us from falling down the slippery slop of immorality.
    Many of the gay people I know are very flamboyant about their sexuality, they really want to stick it in your face even if you don't care. The YES vote is a message to the gay community from the silent majority. It's ironic that it was because of Barack Obama that YES won, because most blacks voted YES on 8.
    For the people who are protesting Prop. 8, the people of California have spoken. It is now law. If they don't like it, they can move to Massachusetts or Connecticut.

  6. This is probably the first time I’ve ever learned about some solid opinions from people who voted yes on Prop 8. Honestly I still think the point they hold is just not empirically supported and terribly biased. One of the most prevalently-held reason is that they are afraid of sexuality of their kids being affected by same-sex couples in the future. GIVE ME A BREAK…Where in the hell did you morons learn that from? Have you every found any evidence-based study that can prove the influence of same-sex marriage on human’s sexuality. I mean: you certainly should feel ashamed of depriving the right to be treated equally of people different form you simply because of your unwarranted assumption.
    Also, for the user who posted the last comment, FYI, the majority of gay community is much more low-key than how you supposed it would be. Even though they’re acting out their own personality, well I can see nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to like them, but you CAN’T overlook equality just because you can’t put up with their behavior coz you have NOTHING to do with that. Let me give you an example: how would you feel if some of your neighbors got together and asked you to move out of the community simply because their dislike to you as a person? Get a life…

  7. Just because others shared different point of view there is no need for you to tell everyone who does not have same point of view like you do to get a life. Maybe you are the one need to get a life since majority of american say YES on prop 8.

  8. yah~~ maybe you should be careful not to overgeneralize people living in CA to "America." Also, do I even have to remind you that the basic idea of Prop 8 is exactly an interference of others' opinion?

  9. You are wellcome to move to Connecticut or Massachusetts, charles. :) as far as "we" californian care. Ha Ha

  10. Please be respectful for other people's opinion without calling people moron or get a life. Looser.

  11. Charles, how is it a deprivation of rights when the homosexuals never had the right to marry to begin with?

    I think Judy was right, although Prop 8 is just in California, if it was voted on in the 49 other states it would still pass. Even MA and CT. Remember, JUDGES, not voters in those states gave gays the right to marry through activist judges. Look at how they voted in AZ and FL. CA is a very liberal state but there is only so much the silent majority can take here in CA. If put to a vote polls have shown that even MA and CT would vote gay marriage down.

    Go 8!
