6350 West 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 964-6800
上星期四晚上和公園先生約好要去吃Souplantation,所以中午想說吃少一點,想到上次去Whole Foods買午餐的時候看到他們有熱食吧和沙拉吧,以重量算錢,想說這樣我拿少一點就吃少一點,所以午餐就到那邊解決吧!
熱食和沙拉吧 Hot Food and Salad Bar (US$7.49/pound)
熱食吧和沙拉吧的東西都是一磅US$7.49,我對重量一點概念都沒有,所以買之前也不知道這到底是貴還是便宜,我拿了最小的紙盒,裝了這麼一小盒,裡面有什麼呢?有蔬菜炒牛肉兩口,而且吃了才發現這牛肉是素的,雞翅小腿一個,豆腐四小塊,炒高麗菜兩口,玉米沙拉兩口,這個大概十口就解決掉的午餐,花了我US$5.00,忽然覺得Whole Foods還真是貴啊!
回到辦公室以後,跟同事說了這件事,一個同事說他之前也是去Whole Foods裝了一盒沙拉,想說沙拉很輕應該不貴,結果那一小盒沙拉居然US$15,嚇到他以後不敢再去那吃,看來去Whole Foods還是買壽司比較划算一點啊!
Unforunately, we on the east coast, specifically in Washington DC, do not have all the wonderful
ReplyDeleteChinese/ethnic food that LA has. So we resort to eating the expensive Whole Food Salad Bar. Someone
come to DC and open a Taiwanese \\\"Help Yourself\\\" meal stand!
wholeFood 不算便宜, 但熟食有些真好吃
ReplyDelete除了那隻烤雞, 是 costco 的兩三倍, 我實在吃不出哪裡高明
來插嘴, 看到 Joanne 的留言, 我怎麼覺得 dc 好吃的好多喔
畢竟是首府, 世界各地的美食都有
我以前住在 DC 旁邊的 Bethesda, 好幾家餐廳都讓我唸唸不忘
光是 rio granda 加蜂蜜的 sopapilla, 我在加州問過好多地方都找不到
Rockville 不少好吃的中國菜, 連鹽酥雞都有外賣送到家
在美國吃到最精緻的中式素菜就在 rockville, 到加州還沒找到那麼好吃的
ReplyDeleteDC, unfortunately, is quite a little bit of travel from Rockville. Not having a car and living in DC,
Rockville is practically another town for my travel. I've heard that there are some good
chinese/taiwanese places in the suburbs of MD and VA, but have yet to find a place that blows my
mind. Bob's 66, for example, serves Taiwanese food, but the quality really isn't as good as it should
be. The food is lukewarm and the atmosphere is "unclean." A&J serves Taiwanese style dim sum, but it
always leaves me very, very thirsty and sleepy afterwards (too much MSG). I have heard good things
about Mandarin Wok--I am keeping my hopes high.
Sorry ladies. I can read Chinese (I immigrated to the us when I was 11), but I can't type in Chinese
character--hence the English comments as always on this highly entertaining Chinese blog.
恩 聽起來 Joanna 的問題不是 DC 沒好吃的
ReplyDelete而是在 DC 沒車, 那到 LA 可不是更慘
Eileen 介紹的 LA 美食, 隨便開開都是半小時以上的車程
在 DC 紅線還可以去 Bethesda 跟 Rockville 吃好吃的
城內也可以搭 taxi, 我有一陣子喜歡 george town 那家費城牛肉堡,
常常半夜兩三點去吃, 從 bethesda 過去也才十分鐘車程
Eileen 介紹的 LA 美食, 隨便開開都是半小時以上的車程
住 LA 沒車, 恐怕連 wholefood 都吃不到呢