11283 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 477-0557
Dr. P went surfing on Sunday. I couldn't go with him because I had to work in the afternoon. Poor me had to have lunch alone. I tried to find a good takeout place on Yelp, and came upon New Japan.
New Japan is a "place your order at the counter and pay" kind of restaurant. It's kind of like Japanese fast food, but the decoration is much nicer than the normal fast food joint. They serve everything from sushi, roll, sashimi, to teriyaki and tempura. One Japanese girl was taking order (and money), while one Hispanic guy did the cooking (and making sushi) in the back.
Beef & Sashimi ($8.75)
I ordered a beef and sashimi combo. It took them about 15 minutes to get the food ready. It was slow, but at least I know the food was freshly prepared after I placed the order. 5 large pieces of fish: 1 salmon, 2 tuna and 2 white fish. The sashimi was very fresh.
The yakiniku beef also came with salad. I like their sweet and creamy salad dressing. The BBQ beef was so flavorful and tender. Delicious! Only wish they would give me more rice. Portion was big enough for my lunch and dinner.
I like New Japan. Oh yeah, it's a cash only place. Next time I'll place my order over the phone then go pick it up to save time. I want to try their chicken next time.
耶這家餐廳在我家附近, 謝謝你推薦, 有空我也想去試試.看起來很不錯.
ReplyDelete嗯同樓上的意見, 我每次要去哪裡都會很興奮的跑來這依照地區選擇看附近有什麼好吃的.
現在找不到也覺得有點小失落. 因為一頁一頁回去找可能要找到明天. (哇你真的吃過好多地方)
謝謝你這麼勤奮的經營這個部落格, 我因為這樣進去了很多根本沒機會接觸的餐廳. 很多朋友也是. =D
嗯 我試了喔!!!! 謝謝! (為了吃很勇於嘗試 哈哈)
btw, 最近看到蠻多網友和我一樣留言問地區分類的事情(順便謝謝你的回覆),
ReplyDelete雖然大家都有自己的要求想要你參考, 我想經營部落格還是要以你自己的體力和精神可以負擔為主,
就像你說的要重新整理會很花費時間, 會很累人. 而且你還要上班上課 (還要談戀愛), 真的很忙耶.
我很喜歡這裡, 帶給我很多方便和資源, 所以我希望你可以開開心心,輕輕鬆鬆的把這裡經營下去, 至於像那些分不分類的細節, 其實真的無傷大雅. 真的要考慮的話也是等你有空閒時間再說. 我可不想你累到抓狂然後大家什麼都沒得看了.
何況這裡是免費的平台, 其實你真的沒有義務要滿足我們的要求阿.
Anyways, 說了一堆, 結論就是謝謝你花時間和體力跟我們分享這麼多吃的經驗和資訊.
農曆新年快到了, 先祝你新年快樂.
然後在新的一年, 可以有時間多吃和多玩, 然後再和我們分享, 好嗎?
Happy 牛 year!