3800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 382-1497
最近Jamba Juice有買一送一的活動,這兩天都和同事一起去買,試了他們的柳橙香蕉口味,一整個怪,不喜歡,但是另一款Acai口味的就非常好喝,趕快到他們網頁上列印折價卷喔!
There's an ongoing buy 1 get 1 smoothie deal for Jamba Juice. The coupon can be printed from their website.
This week Claire and I went twice. We always get the small cup. Large is too big and I can never finish that.
Oranger Refresher ($2.95)
The first time we tried their new Orange Refresher. When the girl gave the drink to us, we took a sip and she asked us if we liked it. She was really honest and said she didn't like it herself. Claire liked it, but I didn't. Orange and banana just didn't taste right together for me.
Acai Super Antioxidant ($3.85)
The second time I got Acai Super Antioxidant. This one is definately a keepr. Acai juice, strawberries, blueberries, soymilk, raspberry sherbet and Antioxidant Power boost. I love all the berries flavor. I felt healthy and full of energy after drinking it.
The buy 1 get 1 free deal expires on 7/30/2008. Enjoy!
Have you ever tried the White Gummy Eileen?? It's my favorite flavor at Jamba Juice. I went everyday back in College and I think I had everything off their secret menu. You might also like Strawberry Shortcake as well, but it's a bit sweeter than some of their shakes. Orchard Oasis is another good one. Maybe something to try if you're tired of their other flavors.
ReplyDeleteJust read about Jamba Juice's secret menu.
I haven't tried any of these secret menu items.
White Gummy? Gotta try that next time.
ReplyDelete光用想的就很不相配耶 哈哈 虧他們發明的出來
我朋友說那個orange Refreshe很好喝
我以為是pure orange咧, 原來是和香蕉一起喔...
Weird, thought the first error had an error. Sorry for the double and triple post Eileen :(
ReplyDeleteNot a problem. ^^