31 Fortune Dr #604
Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 453-0414
We passed by Boardwalk Ice Cream Co at Irvine Specturm.
Dip and roll! Looks good. Let's go in to check it out.
I wanted to go in to see the ice cream. Dr. P wanted to go in to look at all the surfing photos. Menu is on the wall. First you get a vanilla ice cream bar. Then you can pick to have it dipped in milk or dark chocolate. Add $0.25 if you want to add glazes. Then you pick the toppings you like and the girl will roll in the ice cream bar in them for you.
There... she's dipping and rolling my ice cream.
BoardWalk Ice Cream Bar ($3.75)
Vanilla Ice Cream Bar + Dark Chocolate Dipping + "Everything" Topping
That was my creation. Vanilla ice cream bar dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in "everything" topping. Yummy!!
I like this place. It kinda reminds me of those frozen banana desserts on Balboa Island. But I like ice cream better than banana. haha....
謝謝你的祝福!! 房東已經在昨天找到新房客 可是那個房客想要chirstmas 前搬進來 我跟他說我們房租到月底 房東好也不想管 所以我會用提早搬走的理由 起碼要回我的depisit!! 我老工已經被新房子的簽約煩的要死 我想自己獨立幫一點忙 可是我覺得老外只要一講到business 都很冷血!! 你那裏華人多 父母又在 可能比較好一點吧!! 你沒有隱常設定 不然想問你一些買屋簽合約的問題 其實也還好啦 就house loan office會lock interest rate 那我們是九月簽約 那是interset rate 比較低 現在終於可以closing! 可interest rate 漲0.2 % 所以我們either 付一點錢 保住之前的 or 就照現有的利率! 你知道要付多少錢保住嗎? 2300 天阿!! 等於是十年的利息!! 我那個老實的老公竟然擔心每個月怕多付二十塊 以及等於三十年多付七千五百元 他居然要付!! 我台灣的家人知道後堅持叫我老公去改合約 !! 因為家人覺得利率高一點無所謂 反正我們一賺錢就趕快還房貸 何必讓銀行一次就賺十年的利息!! 是中西文化不同嗎? 還是華人真的比較會理財!! 你比較幸運 Dr. P 是中西混血 有華人的優點 也有白人的優點!!>_< (不好意思 一次落落長)