Wednesday, July 23, 2008

[Los Angeles] [Thai] Ord Noodle

Ord Noodle
5401 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(323) 468-9302

週日起床後和公園先生約了一起吃個早午餐,討論了一番後決定到Ord Noodle吃泰國麵,點了重口味的牛肉麵和輕口味的貢丸麵,再點了份香辣的九層塔鮮蝦飯,吃了頓飽飽又好吃的泰國午餐。

Dr. Park felt like having ethnic food for lunch on Sunday.  We came back to Ord Noodle for some Thai food.

Thai Iced Tea / Thai Iced Coffee ($1.50/each)

We were seated quickly.  Started our meal with Thai iced tea for me and Thai iced coffee for Dr. Park.  It seems like I have to have Thai iced tea whenever I have Thai food. 

Noodle with Beef and Liver ($3.50)

A Thai lady took our order.  There are so many choices for each bowl of noodle.  For this bowl of noodle, you pick (1) the size; (2) beef or pork; (3) liver or tripe; (4) type of noodle; (5) soup or dry; and (6) how spicy.  Dr. Park had small beef liver soup noodle with thin white noodle in medium spicy.  It was just as good as before. 

Noodle with Pork Ball ($3.50)

I had the pork ball soup noodle.  The broth was not as heavy as the beef noodle soup.  It was a little spicy and a little sour.  Very Thai, and very delicious.

Rice with Holy Basil, Chili and Shrimp ($6.50)

We also ordered a rice dish to share.  The shrimp was spicy!  The basil flavor was yummy.  Because it was so spicy, I ate a lot of rice just with a little bit of the sauce.  This dish was good, but I probably won't order it again.  Just too spicy for me.

A great Sunday lunch for $20.  But we noticed the facility rating was a C this time.  It used to be a B before.  I hope they'll get back to B again.  I just don't feel comfortable eating at a C restaurant....



  1. 又是一個C???
    我吃泰國菜也是一定會點Thai tea耶...


  2. 我喜歡早午餐,

