Sunday, July 20, 2008

California Kickboxing Fight

公園先生的好友是一家拳擊訓練健身房的老闆,上周六他們辦了一場拳擊比賽,本來覺得因為我對拳擊也沒興趣會很無聊,結果一點也不會無聊耶!公園先生看得很興奮,我是看得一整個緊張,看到那些人被打的覺得好痛,有興趣學拳擊健身的朋友可以到位在Pasadena的這家California Kickboxing看看喔!

Dr. Park's friend is the owner of California Kickboxing & Fitness. They had a kickboxing fight event last Saturday. I went with Dr. Park and thought I would be bored since I'm not into kickboxing at all. But the event turned out to be quite exciting.

There were 8 fights for the event. All fighters are students of the gym. They matched the fighters by weight class and their experience level. This clip was the second fight of the night.

This fight was heavy weight and it had the only KO of the night. The winning fighter had shaved head and tatoos all over his body. I thought he looked.... scary even before the fight. His blow looked so heavy. I wouldn't want to be in a fight with him.

This clip was the girl fight. The girls moved a lot faster than the guys in my opinion. They were so vicious and fought like cats.

This guy was the oldest fighter. 57! His opponent was 24, half of his age. He didn't win the fight. But he got the loudest applause.

When we left the gym, NeoMeze next door to the gym had a band doing performance right outside in the courtyard.

Dr. Park had fun watching the fight. He used to be a fighter and was trained here, too. I also had fun, but was so nervous watching the fight. If anyone is interested in training for boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, or just want to get fit, California Kickboxing is a great gym to get professional training. Check out their website. You might find Dr. Park's pictures there. ^_*


1 comment:

  1. 哎喲喂啊~看起來好痛喔...>_<

